
public final class ProviderDetectResponse

Class representing the Nylas provider detect response.


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public ProviderDetectResponse ProviderDetectResponse(@Json(name = "email_address") String emailAddress, @Json(name = "detected") Boolean detected, @Json(name = "provider") String provider, @Json(name = "type") String type)


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private final Boolean detected

Whether the provider was detected

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private final String emailAddress

Email provided for autodetection

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private final String provider

Detected provider

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private final String type

Provider type (if IMAP provider detected displays the IMAP provider)


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public final Boolean getDetected()

Whether the provider was detected

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public final String getEmailAddress()

Email provided for autodetection

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public final String getProvider()

Detected provider

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public final String getType()

Provider type (if IMAP provider detected displays the IMAP provider)