
public final class TokenInfoResponse


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public TokenInfoResponse TokenInfoResponse(@Json(name = "iss") String iss, @Json(name = "aud") String aud, @Json(name = "iat") Integer iat, @Json(name = "exp") Integer exp, @Json(name = "sub") String sub, @Json(name = "email") String email)


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private final String aud

The token's audience.

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private final String email

The email address of the Grant belonging to the user's token.

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private final Integer exp

The time that the token expires.

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private final Integer iat

The time that the token was issued.

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private final String iss

The issuer of the token.

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private final String sub

The token's subject.


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public final String getAud()

The token's audience.

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public final String getEmail()

The email address of the Grant belonging to the user's token.

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public final Integer getExp()

The time that the token expires.

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public final Integer getIat()

The time that the token was issued.

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public final String getIss()

The issuer of the token.

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public final String getSub()

The token's subject.